Kirby Morgan BandMasks

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Fully tested and certified, the Kirby Morgan® 18B and 28B BandMasks may be used in mixed gas diving as well as shallow water diving.

The SuperFlow® adjustable demand regulators provide low inhalation resistance and high gas flow, letting the diver breathe easier and work harder with less exertion. Both masks come with the large tube SuperFlow® 350 regulator as standard.

The side block assembly of both the Kirby Morgan® 18 and 28 receives the umbilical over the shoulder in the B configuration and both band masks come with the Tri-Valve® exhaust system and the new BandMask BandKeepers® as standard.

Kirby Morgan® 18B BandMask Kirby Morgan® 18B BandMask collapsed Kirby Morgan® 18B faceport Kirby Morgan® 28B BandMask

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18B bandmask Collapsed - Prod.jpg

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18B Face Port - Prod.jpg

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28B bandmask - Prod.jpg

Item JFD order code Kirby Morgan® order code
Kirby Morgan® 18B BandMask complete DE1141 500-025
Kirby Morgan® 18B BandMask c/w 4 pin male W/P connector DE055 500-026
Kirby Morgan® 28B BandMask complete DE1091 500-028
Kirby Morgan® 28B BandMask c/w 4 pin male W/P connector DE1101 500-029
Type Document Download
Datasheet Kirby Morgan® 18B BandMask

DE-MDS-608 R0

Datasheet Kirby Morgan® 28B BandMask

DE-MDS-609 R0



The Kirby Morgan® mask servicing course teaches delegates how to competently operate and conduct specific maintenance schedules for the Kirby Morgan® EXO full face mask with JFD.

Course duration: 1 day

For more information on available course dates please visit the course calendar.