Ansti Life Support System Test Facility (LSTF)

The Life Support System Test Facility (LSTF) is a fully integrated laboratory system offering the capability to conduct tests at the surface and immersed in temperature controlled water to a maximum depth of up to 500msw (or deeper upon request).


Enables precise testing to extreme conditions so design engineers can ensure the effectiveness of critical equipment.

  • Diving depth control with water chilling and heating
  • Breathing air heated & humidified with adjustable breaths per minute and tidal volume
  • Valve cracking effort, exhale resistance and work of breathing
  • Fast response gas analysis with CO2 injection and O2 dilution simulating respiration
  • Hydrostatic imbalance testing of rebreathers
  • Cold water chiller 
  • Breathing air heated & humidified
  • Buoyancy Control Device Testing



  • Suitable for CE marking performance tests of defence, commercial and recreational SCUBA equipment

  • Verify whether equipment meets or exceeds dynamic breathing performance requirements

  • Define the limits of product performance under diverse operating conditions

  • Reduce costs of product testing with real time results achieved accurately and efficiently every time

  • View the performance of breathing apparatus under test with real time data acquisition and display

  • Large test vessel diameters up to 1000mm and internal variable orientation accommodate twin cylinder SCUBA equipment, rebreathers, diving masks, helmets, bandmasks or other equipment

  • Intuitive console controls, clear computerised virtual instruments and printable test certificates

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Test demand regulators EN250:2014
Test rebreathers EN14143:2013
Test helmets EN15333-1:2008
US Navy Unmanned testing procedures
Conditioned breathing gas 28+/- 2°C and 32 +/- 4°C, >90%RH
Simulate respiration O2 uptake and CO2 injection *
Test environment temp control +2°C to +34°C of ambient water
Breathing rate Selectable 10 to 40 breaths per minute
Tidal volume Variable sinusoidal 1.0 – 4.5 litres
Simulated depth, msw 100 200 100 200 500

vessel internal

Diameter (mm) 610 610 1000 1000 1000
  Height (mm) 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300
LSTF model 100 - 600 200 - 600 100 - 1000 200 - 1000


500 - 1000




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Flyer ANSTI LSTF Flyer                                 2023 ANSTI LSTF datasheet.pdf


Learn more about the JFD Breathing Laboratory, which features an in-house LSTF:

Breathing laboratory