Special Projects - Applications & Requirements


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James, (known as Jim) joined JFD as a Special Projects Officer and Technical advisor in February of 2020.

Jim’s role within JFD North America and JFD is to help focus the Special Operations maritime portfolio on current and future requirements and to identify new markets for product expansion.

Before joining, Jim had an extensive military background and is a veteran of the US Naval Special Warfare community (US Navy SEALs). His proven track record of performance ranges from small unit-tactical to strategic-corporate levels; he is a fully qualified SEAL, Seal Delivery Vehicle/Submersible pilot and navigator, and Special Boat Officer.

Jim has extensive multi-national experience working with and developing organizations to succeed in uncertain and dynamic environments.

His past roles include those both within U.S. Special Operations Command and the NATO Special Operations Headquarters in addition to significant maritime mobility specific experience.


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