Classroom training FAQ


We are running a range of classroom based courses, with the course delivery on site being complimented where appropriate with delivery of courses remotely utilising our new online training platform.

We have introduced a range of procedures to ensure the safety of customers attending courses at any of our training sites.

All these procedures and measures are designed to keep both students and JFD personnel safe and mitigate risks.


Topic Detail
Travel & medical background All clients / students are issued with a pre-register form requesting previous travel and health conditions with regard to any exposure to CoVid-19. 
Arrival times All students will be issued with staggered arrival times which will be confirmed with their specific joining instructions.  This is to ensure groups of people are not congregated in the reception area at the same time.
Temperature checks All students and the instructors have their temperature taken and recorded.
Induction Students undertake a full induction on arrival, part of this is CoVid-19 specific.
PPE issued Students and instructor are issued with their own personnel CoVid-19 PPE packs containing masks, antibacterial hand cleaning gels, wipes, gloves and a disposable apron.  These items must be used while conducting any training under the 2 metre social distancing guidelines.
Entry access Students will be issued with a personal ID access swipe card which has been pre-cleaned.  All personal ID / swipe cards can be returned safely to a drop box at the end of each day.
Greeting Students are met by their instructor and escorted to their respective training classroom. 
Classrooms & training aids

All classrooms comply with current social distancing requirements, with capacities reduced and marked out accordingly.

All training aids and classrooms will be pre-cleaned prior to the commencement of the course and student access.  The classrooms will be cleaned each evening prior to the next day.


Signage is in place to ensure good hand hygiene is promoted along with the methods to be used.

Signage is also in place to promote good respiratory hygiene.

There are arrowed lines to specify walking routes through the premises.

Comfort breaks All comfort breaks, including teas/coffees and lunches, will be taken in the designated teaching areas.
Feeling unwell During the course, if any student feels unwell they must immediately notify the instructor or JFD staff members. The student will be isolated in a quarantined area and NHS contacted for further medical guidance.