Release date: 10 April 2017

Visit JFD at Europoltech 2017

Europoltech - website.jpg

JFD is exhibiting at Europoltech, the international fair of technology and equipment for the police and national security services taking place in Gdansk Poland, from 26-28 April.  We will be situated on the IMS-GRIFFIN stand, A46.

JFD is the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of professional diving equipment, providing everything from personal diver equipment to full saturation diving systems. 

Our two man swimmer delivery vehicle Torpedo SEAL will be on display, alongside our defence Divex rebreather, Shadow Excursion.

Our stand team will be on hand to discuss any enquiries you may have relating to our range of swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs) and Divex range of defence rebreathers.

JFD's range of swimmer delivery vehicles primarily exist to facilitate the insertion and extraction of Special Operations forces and equipment.  In this role, their use allows for greater stand-off from surface ships and submarines. The vehicles are surface or subsurface craft, each optimised for a particular deployment method or mission profile.  The JFD range of SDVs and Divex range of underwater breathing apparatus integrate together to provide reliable, through-mission life-support.

If you have any questions, or would like to book an appointment with one of the team at the show, please email:

We hope to see you in Poland!