Third Generation System - Design drivers

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The route to an effective system therefore lies in providing no lesser capability, whilst minimising the support required by unpredictable and variable external assets; minimising the numbers of aircraft and trucks, maximising the number of potential VOOs, and minimising embarkation time and the amount of dockside support required, driving down the risks associated with deploying within an acceptable TTFR.

To do this any solution must:

Minimise reliance on outside assets, including:

  • The number of trucks and abnormal loads required
  • The number and size of aircraft required
  • Maximising the number of vessels which can carry the system


Minimising the time and risk associated with mobilisation, including:

  • Minimising the number of cranes and welders required
  • Minimising deck loadings Maximising flexibility in layout
  • Reducing the number of interfaces to a minimum


Developing such a solution is challenging, particularly doing so within the framework of regulation and classification society rulesets which are not necessarily aimed at such unusual or highly optimised systems. The application of rules and conventions must be considered and be proportionate to the overall mission objective.