Diving emergency services

JFD's National Hyperbaric Centre provides critical diving emergency services to support diving operations 24/7, including bend watch and decompression standby cover.

JFD's 16 man saturation system is on call 24/7 fully equipped with emergency medical equipment, complemented by expert life support and medical staff.

Various services are available including bend watch and decompression standby cover to support diving operations in the North sea.


At the end of a saturation diving project as part of the decompression process, the divers are required to remain within the vicinity of a chamber for a period of 24 hours, to ensure they can be recompressed if a decompression illness (DCI) occurs. This period is known as a 'bend watch'.

JFD's facilities are on call 24/7 with our chambers ready to receive divers in need of recompression with air or heliox treatment. Our 16 man saturation system is equipped with emergency medical equipment, and complemented by expert life support and medical staff.

For operations within the north sea this service means that a DSV can have a rapid turn around, and return offshore safe in the knowledge the divers left on shore will have the necessary access to saturation if required.


The Diving Operations at Work Regulations require inshore diving operations to have a diving decompression chamber (DDC) available within two hours travelling time from the site of operation.

With our location in Aberdeen, we are ideally placed to provide this cover for the north east of Scotland and the North sea. Our saturation system is ideally equipped to provide such cover throughout a wide area, where we are set up to receive any personnel in need of decompression.