SDA temperature and humidity

The SDA temperature and humidity analyser monitors air temperature within chambers or diving bells.

Available in either panel or rack mount format, the Analox SDA analyser has an optional water temperature transmitter for monitoring hot water to dive suits or for monitoring sea water temperature outside the diving bell.

Analox SDA temperature and humidity analyser

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Analox SDA Temp and hum - Prod.jpg





Sensor range

0 to 100°C / -32 to 212°F (temperature)
0 to 100% RH (humidity)

Sensor accuracy

±3°C (temperature)
±10% RH (humidity)

Display resolution

0.1°C (temperature)
1% RH (humidity)

IP rating

Analyser IP22
Sensor IP65

Type Document Download
Datasheet Analox SDA temperature and humidity analyser

GA-MDS-534 R0